Sourajit Aiyer Sourajit Aiyer

Dr Luc Julia

Fair AI Thought Leader Speaks Series with Dr Luc Julia, Co-creator of the pioneering voice assistant app SIRI & SVP & CTO, Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center

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Sourajit Aiyer Sourajit Aiyer

Mr. Mark Caine

Fair AI Thought Leader Speaks Series with Mr Mark Caine, Lead, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, World Economic Forum

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Sourajit Aiyer Sourajit Aiyer

Dr. Amit Sheth

Fair AI Thought Leader Speaks Series with Dr Amit Sheth, Founding Director, AI Institute & Professor of Comp. Sc. & Engineering, University of South Carolina, USA

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Sourajit Aiyer Sourajit Aiyer

Dr. Atif Farid Mohammad

Fair AI Thought Leader Speaks Series with Dr Atif Farid Mohammad, Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Blockchain, University of North Carolina, USA & Sr. Research Scientist in AI, Ontrak Inc.

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Mr. Prabhat Labh

Fair AI Thought Leader Speaks Series with Mr. Prabhat Labh, CEO, Grameen Foundation India

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