Put people first.

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Our Purpose & Values


Fair Ai is a volunteer organization that promotes a responsible transition to the automation economy.

We believe that artificial intelligence should enhance the human experience, create a better world for people.

Corporate responsibility in the age of AI means not sacrificing society’s health for short term economic gain.

Bots operated for profit by a few malicious actors should not steal families incomes.



  • To recognize the efforts of companies and investors that implement responsible AI practices

  • To facilitate the certification of those companies that protect the digital jobs of their stakeholders: customers, workers, vendors

  • To provide investors with a benchmark of organizations that put people first in the way they conduct operations, recruitment, sourcing.



  • Education and outreach on topics such as

    • Anti-bias machine learning standards, adversarial artificial intelligence detection, explainable algorithms,

    • Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.

  • Certification using the fairAi seal and marks

    • Unforgeable identity using blockchain smart contracts

    • Verifiable timestamp and video proof to the blockchain


Volunteer network

Contributors create educational content — this includes interviews and explainers.

Developers contribute to the development of the framework and validation metrics.

Onboard colleagues: Ethical AI academic community; Responsible AI standards contributors; industry thought leaders and think tanks working on topics related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in the context of Automation.

“More than one third (36 percent) of U.S. workers are in the gig economy, which works out to a very large number of approximately 57 million people.”


Fair Ai at the Wood Center for Innovation, Oxford

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Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Wood Centre for Innovation,

Stansfeld Park, Quarry Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 8SB

+44 01865 546435